16. Januar 2015
FEED BACK mentoring days 18-21/12/2014 Weinheim
from Stella Alexandrian
Being able to train at the mentoring days offered by Doris, Rita and Edith in Weinheim was for me Christmas time before time. I received precious and numerous gifts.
There were the expected ones : learning, sharing skills as future NVC trainers, getting high quality feedbacks from NVC certified trainers, from collegues, getting clarity and reassurance in my own situation on the certification path, and about the next steps.
And the surprises, the pearls :
– experiencing speaking NVC in non of our mother tongue language
– a lot of inspiration seing 3 certified trainers working together, bringing their own personality into the training, complementing each other, living the « power with » concept of NVC, bringing a deep commitment to the whole training
– a lot of appreciation and reassurance in the care the feedbacks were given to me and to other participants, creating safety and space to take risks.
– healing and growing : It might sound strange but in the process of learning as an adult to become a certified trainer, I get at times triggered and brought back to experiences of my childhood when I was at school, or at home learning new skills. Experiencing being mirrored, being seen, exploring and making mistakes in front 12 human beings giving their full presence has removed for me some fears from the past that blocked my energy.
– inspiration and connection celebrating the assessment of 2 certified trainers, seing the uniqueness and wealth of each path of them.
So I came back fullfilled, motivated, and with joyfull aliveness, looking forward to come back next year at this preChristmas event to receive even more wonderful gifts !