19. Dezember 2016
Auf dem internat. AssessorInnen-Treffen wurde auch die aktualisierte Version des CPP, der ausführlichen Zertifizierungunterlagen, verabschiedet. Ab sofort findet sich die neue Fassung unter Download auf unserer Website und auf der CNVC-Website!
Michael Dillo hat ein paar Zeilen geschrieben zur Würdigung all des Engagements, der Zeit und Energie, die in die Revision des CPP geflossen sind:
“I’m not able to honor all those who worked on this project of restructuring the CPP since it started before I got on board as an CNVC-assessor in late 2013. I only definitely know that Rita Herzog and Marissa Sleeter began to work on it very intensely years before I came in.
My work began when we started the Project “CCC” (Certification Coordinator Council) in march 2015 at Rita’s kitchen table in Cleveland, a really historical location for the NVC-history (the place where the CNVC had his first office). Since then Marissa, Rita, Syliva Haskvitz, Ali Simari and others discussed hours and hours to finally bring it to a draft version in September this year. Rolf Bänteli and Marianne Känel Möckli thanks for revising and editing the German translation. After two months of a hearing and examination phase, all assessors present at the Mallorca gathering last month could approve it.
And I’m very grateful to Pan Vera, who implemented all the files (English and German – version) on the website within only two days after I have asked him. Thanks a lot Pan for that great collaboration, which will go on as there are several places on the website, which refer to the old CPP. I’m confident that together we will create integrity of the website and the CPP in the next few weeks.
With a lot of gratitude and joy